4th of July, Girl with Cannon
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Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. I enjoy the gathering of friends and family, the fun things we find to do (or the relaxation of doing nothing but watching other people do things!), and seeing the big fireworks put on by the local fire department.
I enjoy those big fireworks just like everyone else, and I think I enjoy them more than little fireworks.
I know it is fun to have fireworks- I mean the BIG ones, not sparklers and little fun things- near the comfort of your own home, or perhaps to impress the neighbors, wow the guests, etc. I know that young men like to go to nearby States and Counties and buy bigger fireworks that are not legal in their own area, to get the fireworks show close-up.
Yup, right up close. Close to their own houses, and trees, and dry grass, and dead leaves, and vehicles, and sheds with lawnmowers and gasoline. R-r-i-i-g-h-t up close.
Please, folks, this year- as it is so hot and dry, make plans to go and enjoy the community fireworks in your area. Those are the real big ones, the ones that cost thousands of dollars. Give the fire department a donation, and keep your house and your neighbor's property safe from risk of fire. It isn't impressive to start a fire. Even if you think you won't start one, and nothing happens but fun, you never know how much of a risk you could be taking.
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