Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sisters Quilt Show 2024: Around Town

As we got close to this building, I started to suspect that I was seeing the SAME quilt over and over...

Indeed, it was a local quilt guild that decided to each make the same pattern, changed up to their own personal tastes.

The pattern is called "Urban Owls" if I remember that right.


They all seemed a little bit random to me, until I got to the Christmas version at the end. I think the pattern interprets well in Christmas colors!

The quilts hung from porches had the added feature of being able to walk around them and see what the backing looked like. Plus it was nice to duck into the shade for a while!

Across-the-street quilts. Last year we walked that side of town, this year we chose to start in a different area. I don't think it is possible to see them all!

Scrap-filled quilts on this row!

Colorful stars.

This was a popular quilt, deservedly so!

I was given some "orphan blocks" like those in this quilt. I guess I'll make them into potholders.

A beautiful subtle quilt in pale grays and yellows. It was hard to see the details in the bright sunshine, wish I could have seen it when the shade came over.

Even with a break for lunch we were too tired out to look at the rest, and it was too hot to keep going. We probably missed some amazing ones but hopefully we can do this again next year but not in triple digit weather!
If you want more, here is the post from last year and a post from 2015.

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