Needing some extra storage, I started haunting craigslist looking for a china hutch. I checked the site twice (or more) a day for a week, and one day this one came up. It was just my style! I had been thinking of getting an old, dark hutch and painting it, but it seemed like a huge project to undertake, and at the end of summer when I'm not sure how long this sunny weather will last. This hutch, however, had already been painted and re-done by someone who knew what they were doing! And in a color I like, a style I like, and just the right price for me!

The chicken wire replaced some old yellow bubble-looking glass, I was told. It is charming and "country" this way. I bought the hutch not just for china; I needed storage for a lot of things-- fabric, crafts, and tea cups. I have this idea that a china hutch will be more versatile than a tall closed cabinet, or plastic storage drawers (done that already), as it looks good in the living room, dining room, the kitchen or a craft room. I had seen a sewing studio tour on this blog and thought that the color of her shelves really made the fabric colors "pop." This hutch is the same sort of color, and it looks really good with all the pinks in my fabric stash!

Here is the inside. Why, thank you, yes I do know how to stuff a china hutch to the gills.
And I'm going to need another hutch for the rest of the teacups I think, not to mention the china...

In one of the drawers is a stack of antique magazine pages-- this one featuring embroidery ideas "for the April Bride" that are "First Aids Toward Efficiency For The New Housekeeper." Some day when I can remember to take them along with me to town, I'll find a large scanner and post them here for you.