
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

All in a couple of days work


Before the big smoky fire years shut us in, August was typically a month of progress for our house-building.

Note the shingles in the peak, top right. My husband and I both loved the look of shingled houses and thought a touch of it under the roofline was just right. 
While that was going on outside, WALLS were appearing inside!

Inside the house, any wall that was going to be laden with shelving and storage was covered in plywood before it was sheetrocked. This is the "mud room" wall that will someday have a beautiful cubby system on it. That is, if it doesn't get repurposed before then. 
The plywood on the laundry room wall made the living room (er, garage/shop room) look like a real room. 

Views changed. 

This was my beloved "library corner" with floor to ceiling shelving and a cute table in front of the windows, but we discovered some mistakes (sigh). First of all, going from 2-gang to 3-gang windows messed up the amount of space we could use for bookshelves. Secondly, note the round "boxes" for lights... they were 4" too close to the wall. We actually did not discover that until light fixtures were put in. The wall could have been scooted back 4" into the master bedroom, but if we had a discussion about that (can't remember) for some reason nothing happened. Note also that this is a wall with strong south-eastern light (not good for book spines). All this and yet there is still hope for a bookshelf of sorts there someday. I'm thinking maybe a map on the wall and short shelves underneath. Hard to face the facts sometimes isn't it?

Master walk-in-closet wall. Someday I will have to share our design for this space. 

Things look a little darker don't they?

Shingles almost done!

Maybe a storm on the horizon. Towards sunset in summertime we are in the shadow of the mountain to the northwest of us, but the valley is full of slanting evening light. 

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