
Wednesday, September 8, 2021

New History Opinion Poll

 The first History Opinion poll did well I think!

The subject was CAVE MEN:
“Primitive people were wild animals. Unlike other wild animals, however, they walked on their hind legs.” -A Child's History of the World by Virgil M. Hillyer 1924
Thinking about ancient man, do you think your great-great-great-great-(and on and on) grandfathers were:

 Thank you to all who took the poll!

My next one is on the history of WRITING. We've heard the experts; now give your opinion! By the way, I have made it an option that you can choose more than one answer if you think several of the options apply to you. If you don't see your opinion here, leave it in the comments!

“PEOPLE of the Stone Age had learned how to talk to each other but they could not write for there was no such thing as an alphabet or written words and so they could not send notes or messages to one another or write stories.” -A Child's History of the World by Virgil M. Hillyer 1924 


WRITING: "PEOPLE of the Stone Age had learned how to talk to each other but they could not write for there was no such thing as an alphabet or written words and so they could not send notes or messages to one another or write stories." -A Child's History of the World by Virgil M. Hillyer 1924 Thinking about mankind and communication, do you think ancient man:
Was too stupid to figure out the need to write & how to do it.
Was the inventor of systems of writing that are lost to us.
Was not in need of writing things down because they had a fool-proof oral/running messenger system.
Could only communicate in pictures
Used hieroglyphics as a secret code and had an everyday mode of communication
Cave Paintings were actually graffiti
Even if writing was available, only the rich could learn how
I'm an ignorant peasant, go make up your own alphabet and don't ask such questions to make me discontent with my station in life
Created with Poll Maker


Here's a bonus for my blog readers, another excerpt from the book.

“But there was no paper in those days and so the Egyptians wrote on the leaves of a plant called papyrus that grew in the water. It is from this name papyrus that we get the name paper...The Egyptians books were written by hand of course but they had no pencils nor pens nor ink to write with. For a pen they used a reed split at the end and for ink a mixture of water and soot.”

-A Child's History of the World by Virgil M. Hillyer 1924

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