
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

History Opinion Poll-- The Vote

 I'm sorry I missed last week! Here are the results of the Writing poll: 

Most of you agreed with my opinion, and that is that we may never know all the writing that was done by ancient man!

This week's new History Opinion poll is about the Vote. You can choose more than one answer. I have given you many to choose from, but am sure that everyone will have a viewpoint so leave a comment! There are some TRUE and a lot of FALSE on this one as well, see if you can spot my assumptions! I read up on this subject, and it made for an interesting home-schooling-over-breakfast conversation for the older kids in the family. I highly recommend looking into the history of one of our most cherished freedoms.


Voting: “At the time of the first Presidential election in 1789, only 6 percent of the population–white, male property owners–was eligible to vote.” (according to Do you think that the founding fathers only wanted property owners to vote because:
They were racist, sexist, prejudiced bigots
Geo. Washington had a vendetta against some tenants who trashed one of his rental houses
If you were smart enough to own land, you were smart enough to vote
Abigail Adams was sneaking in a way to make sure farmer's wives had their say in an oppressive regime
If you paid property taxes, you ought to have a greater say in what was going on
Land was cheap back then and most people owned their homes.
It would ensure westward expansion as more people sought land for the voting rights
You are so ignorant-- property could mean things other than land, even under colonial voting laws!
The founding fathers did not specify landowners and did not give us any rights to vote in the constitution.
Voting rights were left to the states to decide, not the founding fathers
Other (leave a comment in the post)
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Quote in the poll is from:


Laura Jeanne said...

It was not letting me choose more than one. I also wanted to say, if you pay property taxes, you have a greater say in what's going on.

Lillibeth said...

Hmm... maybe I needed to mess with the settings more. Will try to fix that today thanks for letting me know!

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