
Monday, January 21, 2013

Gray Days to Glimmering Blog Party

I'm going to do something unusual and join a Q&A blog party! I liked the name of this one! What a nice thing to do on a gray day-- try to make it glimmer! We are fogged in, so it is very grey around here, but it is glimmering at the same time, since everything is also covered in ice and frost.

 It really isn't grey outside-- there is a lot of light bouncing around in the fog!
 It's just too cold to be out there.
 Someone put some peacock feathers in an old rusty post next door, and even they were covered in fine frost.

1) What's your favorite thing to do when you've been feeling uninspired? 

 I am not sure I have a favorite thing to do, but I know what I tend to do: read a book or magazine, watch a period film, be alone and think, or pour a cup of tea and talk to my mother. I usually get a jump-start on an idea from one of those things.
I actually have a lot of inspiration buzzing around in my head, I just lack the time to do!

 2) Tell us about a really great movie/show that you've just discovered. 

I'm not sure I have watched anything since last year. I can think of some really good books that should be turned into movies, though, so if anyone in filmmaking wants to talk to me, please do. I may or may not charge for an Expert Movie Watcher Consultation.

 3) What do you like to do to change your mood? 

 Take a walk, or go on a drive.  

 4) Your favorite drink is currently... 

 Bengal Spice tea (from Celestial Seasonings) with whole milk. 

 5) When you hear the word exuberant, what's the first word that comes to mind? 

 A happy, jumpy-up-and-down little girl.  

 6) What made you smile last? 

 A sloppy baby grin, aimed at me. 

 7) What five songs would make a playlist to describe your week? 

 I've been listening to a lot of songs on a real playlist, actually-- I made one here for our congregation last week. Some are to learn and some are old favorites. Since I've been listening to them so much I'd say they colored my week!  But to answer the question more accurately-- I'm in an organizational wreck right now, boxes and bags to sort everywhere, so any five songs that include "help Lord!" are probably appropriate.  

 8) What's at the top of your creative 'To-Do' list? 

 Sew a lot of dresses, and make a lot of scrap quilts.  

 9) The last thing you crossed off the above list was... 

 Nothing. I am currently doing utilitarian sewing. Hemming rod pockets is rather dull. 

 10)  Quickly - the first movie quote from the top of your head, please! 

 Mr. Bennet! 

 11)  The best thing about January is... 

 The new beginnings. The white light when it snows (I hope it will snow!). 

 12) The worst thing about January is... 

 Missing church because of colds-- but so far so good this year! 
Constantly writing the wrong year number--that can go on until spring!

 13) What's your #1 resolution for 2013? 

 Write in my journal every day. I managed it for the first week! 

 14)  And lastly, share a quote or verse that you've found especially inspiring lately. 

The first seven verses of Proverbs 13.

Here's a question of my own: gray or grey? I seem to use both-- possibly an influence from reading English novels!

Thanks to my photograher, IJ, for the frosty photos.